Pick up your Free Starter Library. Which of these images best describes your reading interests? Click the one that clicks with you!
A KING’S PRIDE: Shifts happen. Hearts change. Africa awaits. Join a family of Lion Shifters as they live, love and fight in a dangerous world. Escape to a land where everything is possible.

GHOSTS OF TSAVO: Jane Austen meets Lara Croft. A paranormal detective refuses to let danger, death & unwanted suitors inconvenience her in colonial Kenya.

What unforgetable stories! Love each one that I’ve read. =)
Thanks Zina — glad you enjoyed them! More to come soon.
Please add me to your list of subscribers. Thanks
I see you are already subscribed. Cheers!
To the best of my knowledge, I have read all your books. I have enjoyed each and everyone. They are hard to put down once u begin reading. Sincerely William Hammond
I’m so thrilled you enjoyed them!
Your books are by far the most enjoyable that I have read in quite awhile!
Thanks, Terry! I’m thrilled you’re enjoying them.
Thoroughly enjoyed reading about Beatrice and her adventures in Ghosts of Savo. Loved the quirky writing style and the character development. Looking forward to reading the sequel
Thanks! and Happy New year!
Is there going to be more books in the tea shop series
Not for now. I’m working on a new series set in modern Nairobi, and that will be launched early in 2019.
I’ve been waiting for this series, Vered!😁 So many questions to look forward to answers to: Which characters will have survived? How will the Super’s deal with the loss of their mortal family members? Can a Firefly Vampire and a mortal returned from the dead have children?
I’m excited! Hope it’s in January!!
So many excellent questions, Jim. We shall soon find out…
So far I have read the tsavo series and the tea shoppe series 1-3 and I can’t wait to read more involving them! Humerous, mysterious and definitely hard to put down once I start!
Thanks and glad you enjoyed both series!
I just started your Society for Paranormals series this year and couldn’t put it down! I’m joyously awaiting the newest book in the Cozy Tea Shoppe Mysteries to become available (I’ve already preordered) and can’t wait to for more adventures with these wonderful characters I’ve fallen in love with! I love your writing and look forward to exploring more of your works.
Thanks, Katie! Glad you are enjoying the series.
Thank you.
I read to escape the mundane yet difficult life I live.
I am not complaining, just explaining.
I dont waste my time on books that don’t compketely draw me in and transport me to the writer’s world.
Your books have done that and that is why I felt compelled to say Thank You.
Hi Laura — Thanks for your kind comment. I really appreciate it.
Ok Vered – Done & done, all up with Privacy. So – how’s the next ‘Cozy Tea Shoppe’ coming?
By end of month!!!
I enjoy your writing immensely! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your ARC…. you have opened up a completely different view of your part of the world!
My pleasure!
I loved your Society for Paranormals series and Cosy Tea Shoppe mysteries.
Can’t get enough of these characters. Please don’t stop writing.
So happy you enjoyed them! I’m working on the third book of the Cozy Tea Shoppe
Left a review 5 star on Amazon! Mrs. Knight with her acerbic commentary cracks me up!! I love this series..I have read the first three gotten from Amazon as a set!
Thanks – I’m glad you enjoyed the box set!
Love your Society For Paranormals series! When might we expect the next book in the series, since I am unseemly in my inability to wait patiently for things I love?
In this case, “unseemly” is a good thing! I’m working on book 7 right now.
“A Spider Comes Calling” is a wonderful read. Too bad I’ve just finished it. 😔 Will leave feedback on Amazon.
Thanks Kate! I’m thrilled you enjoyed it. I’m working on book 7 – Stones of Nairobi.
Loved your description of Nelly’s transformation into rocket horse in your second book. I laughed until I cried.
Thanks Susan – so glad you enjoy Nelly. She’s one of my favourite characters!!!
Happy new year and happy reading
Just finished Ghost of Tsavo! Really enjoyed it and am looking forward to the rest of Mrs. Knight’s adventures!
Hi Terry – so glad you enjoyed it! If you leave a rating for it, email me ([email protected]) to let me know and I’ll send you a free short story about Gideon Knight.
I hope you get a chance to read The Automaton’s Wife.
Really enjoyed the Fourth Mandate, and the short backstory about Koki. Totally enamored of all of the characters. Can’t wait to meet Lilly’s baby, find out about Drew and Cilla’s future, and I am happy for Beatrice and her marriage. The love between them is palpable. I am looking forward to trying the other books you’ve written. Hurry, too, with the next Beatrice installment, please!
Glad you did! I just sent you a short story about Jonas. I’m busy working on #5!
Left a review on Amazon for “Ghosts of Tsavo.” Loved the series!!
Thanks Lori! I’ve emailed you the 4 short stories for your reviews. Appreciate it!
Oh and I left a rating for the book on Amazon!
I just read “Revenge of the Mantis” and loved it! The bit of romance for Beatrice was wonderful and I loved how her friends came to help her. It was a mix of all of the best of adventure and friends and romance for a great story. I try to make the story last, but ended up reading it in two days. It would have been one day, but I have kids to take care of. Can’t wait for the next book…
Thanks Tricia for the comment and the review! I’m emailing you a short story about Mr. Timmons (I send out a short for each book reviewed). Book 4 is already out (The Fourth Mandate). I’m plugging away at book 5, but with work this year, it will take a bit longer.
Thanks again!
You probably get this all th time; oh I just loved your book!
Well I did, but not for the usual reasons. I love the word usage of past generations. I love the way we have lost the charm of the language just floating off the pen. Wonderful story and strong characters.
if you ever get to North Carolina please let me know. I am at don_Aubrey42@yahoo
Dear Don
Thanks so much for your kind comments! I’m so happy you enjoyed the book and the word usage. I hope you get a chance to read the other books in the series. If you happen to leave a rating for one of the books, let me know. I give out a short story (one per review) that gives some background history on some of the characters.
Loved this and the first Africa book about Beatrice and her paranormal friends. The horse was hilarious . Just waiting to get going on more
Thanks Jane! So glad you enjoyed it. Hope you get a chance to read the rest of the books in the series. If you haven’t already, I’d greatly appreciate if you could leave ratings on Amazon for the books. Let me know if you do, as I give away short stories related to the series for each review.
Wow! The first book was wonderful! I sped through it as fast as my four kids allowed me to. I have all 3 and now need to dole the other two out so as not to run out of book to soon. Beatrice is my favorite type of heroine, thank you for her! I am a new fan!
Thanks Tricia! So glad to hear you are enjoying the antics of Mrs Knight and crew. And to be able to read with 4 kids in the mix is amazing – I can barely manage with two!
By the way, Book 4 is coming out shortly!
If you get a chance, please consider leaving a review / rating. Let me know if you do, as I give out short stories associated with the series for each review.
Marvelous; best free book I’ve ever received. It was definitely a gateway to an amazing literary adventure for me. Can’t wait til the fourth book comes out.
Was happy to spread the word with a great Amazon review. Thanks for the hours of fun!
Hi Christine – thanks for dropping by my website and also for the review.
I’m sending you a short story that gives background info about Gideon Knight – let me know if you don’t receive it.
Hope you have a chance to read book 2 – The Automaton’s Wife.
I really love your books. I am always amazed when I find a book that makes me laugh out loud. These books are well written and i really like the characters. Thank you so much. I feel very fortunate that I found them.
Thanks Connie for your kind words! If you get a chance, please leave a rating for each of the books. Let me know if you do, and I’ll send you a set of short stories about some of the characters.
Cheers and thank you again!
I am leaving a review on Amazon. I read a lot of books, and many of the ebooks offered are a bit like waiting for a late train that never arrives. I truly enjoyed our story, the characters, the setting, and the sense of self possession of the heroine. She is great fun, and the interplay of cultural insensitivity enlivens the story as well. I will look for the next book, and from what I have read – it should be as enjoyable as the first one ( Ghosts)
Thanks Judith for your kind comments! It brings a smile to my face reading it. Do let me know when the review is up and I’ll send you a short story about Gideon Knight.
I have thoroughly enjoyed your books about British East Africa and Mrs. Knight. I am also very happy that one of my favorite characters, Nelly, is safe and sound after her, um, adventure. Thank you for these wonderful reads.
Finally someone who appreciates a magical, belching horse! So glad you enjoyed the series. #4 is coming out in August. If you get a chance to leave ratings of the books on Amazon, let me know. I have a set of short stories I give out to reviewers. The shorts give more details and secrets about some of the characters.
I enjoyed the Ghosts of Tsavo so much. I loved the sarcastic humor (an apparently dying type of humor.) Bee’s character reminds me a lot of Amelia Peabody and it would be lovely to find a replacement for her now that her creator is no longer with us. I also very much like the facts about Kenya’s history while it was part of the British empire. It was nice to have the fact and fiction noted at the end. I will be posting a review on Kobo as soon as I finish this,
Hi Sue – thanks for your kind comments! Let me know when you’ve posted a review and I’ll send you a short story about Gideon Knight. If you’re interested in reading the next book – The Automaton’s Wife – it’s only on Amazon at this point. If you don’t use Kindle to read, you could buy the ebook on Amazon and send me the receipt. I’ll then send you an ePub version.
I left a review for the Ghosts of Tsavo…..I thought it was a lovely read….thanks
Thanks Teena! I’ll be sending you a short story about Gideon Knight shortly. Hope you get a chance to read The Automaton’s Wife. Cheers
Just read all three books in 2 days. When I started the first one I almost quit reading it as I thought it was going to be stupid. I am so glad I persivered! I loved all three and as usual when you finish a good book I’m left wanting more. I don’t usually review books but I will definitely leave a review on Amazon. Thanks so much for entertaining me, loved the humor.
Thanks Jan! I appreciate you taking the time to write me. Make sure you sign up for the newsletter, as I’ll be releasing book 4 in August and will let my subscribers in on the Early Bird Price.
Let me know via email (veredehsani(at)gmail.com) when you’ve posted reviews on Amazon. I have a series of short stories that provide details and secrets of some of the Society characters; these shorts are only available to reviewers as a token of my appreciation.
Thanks for stopping by!
Loved The Ghosts of Tsavo. The humor and internal dialogue made the book for me. Very similar to my own. Looking forward to reading the next book (s) in the series as well as others.
Hi Andi – thanks so much for the kind words! Please consider leaving a rating on Amazon, and I’ll send you a gift. I’ve written a collection of short stories that fit in-between the main set of books and they are only for readers who’ve posted a review, regardless of the rating.
I hope you have a chance to read # 2 – The Automaton’s Wife – and # 3 – Revenge of the Mantis!
Enjoyed your book very much. I love a strong female heroine.
Thanks Tracy! I appreciate the support. If you would be kind enough to leave a rating on Amazon, that would be awesome. I give out related short stories to reviewers (regardless of the review) as a thank you – the stories disclose backgrounds and secrets about some of the characters.
Just finished the Automaton’s Wife and will be sitting with a cup of tea anxiously awaiting the next book in the series.
Yeah! Glad you enjoyed it. Please leave a comment on Amazon for me. Much appreciated. The third book – Revenge of the Mantis – comes out early June.
Love it. Most sanely or insanely (take your pick) humorous book I’ve read in a very long time. Thanks for the uplift!
My pleasure! Glad you enjoyed it. Leave a rating on Amazon and let me know: I’ll send you a free short story about Gideon Knight.
I’m hooked! Love the intrigue and can’t wait for more.
Thanks Carol! The next book comes out very soon, so make sure you’re signed up to the newsletter!
Loved the book . Didn’t want it to end. See you in April.
Thanks! Glad you did – please leave a rating on Amazon. That helps a lot!